Three more Cracker Barrel Annual Reports, previous ones and a bit about them are mentioned in October 2013 Archive. Famous for sticking items on their covers and inside pages, the 1989 one had a newspaper clipping, 1990 a bus ticket and 1991 a packet of seeds. * Three more Reports in the March 2018 Archive
Would a supermarket flyer ever win a design award? The roar of never is deafening and I would almost agree, except have a look at the three below. Considering that good design means communicating with clarity and style I think these Pathmark flyers succeed easily. What caught my attention when I saw one in 1982 was the use of Helvetica in various weights and sizes, not a face that would normally be associated with this type of design but what really separates these flyers from others is the use of photos. Usually they have lots of cutout color product shots angled on the page and that makes them look very messy. Pathmark solved that problem by photographing the relevant packs in a still life shot with the copy below the image. These pages have a ton of information and it's all packed in but they look very clean and controlled. It's almost a pleasure to clip the coupons. Incidentally, regular shoppers could well study the prices from back then.